Wednesday, May 30, 2012

April fools jokes Top 10 in Microsoft

Thus, the rating jokes 2010.

a. Call Sepycheskuyu high school and a long story about the benefits of legal software. If you turn on the speakerphone and gather friends peregovorke can be nice to revel.

2. Come to the Savyolovsky market for a long time to inquire the price hacked XBox, hard bargaining, emphasizing that there must be a discount for Microsoft employees.

3. Call the store that sells Linux and related souvenirs, to introduce the entire form to order a souvenir penguin 500 by bank transfer, ask if they do not sell well saws or axes.

4. Using a simple fake sender's address, send someone a letter from SteveB c heading 'I've been thinking about you. '. The main thing is to stand close to validolom ready, and some are not limited to obgryzvaniem nails before opening the letter and fall into a swoon.

5. On the way home stop at gaishnoy gazelle, which is the system flow (Delphi, InterBase and Windows), introduce yourself and ask if they have a license sticker. Strictly hmyknut and whirled through the double solid to a screeching tires, and go.

6. Replace the laptop companion in exactly the same, but with Linux. Since all corporate laptop similar and differ primarily labels ( which are in abundance ), then make it easy - a few minutes of amazement guaranteed.

7. Find the keys to the box and put a fellow there iPhone, iPod, Mac, and a photo of Steve Jobs ( A4 ) in the frame, and a signed 'Thank you for all your support'.

8. Get one right shoe from one locker room and take the other and vice versa. The main thing - to go home early and secure a web camera to watch hopping on one leg colleagues.

9. Make a photo and write a friend on Twitter that he had just been fired. After half an hour to write - ' No, really fired! '.

10. Having met in the elevator President MS Russia, suspicious look at him, frowning sternly, and eventually asked show your badge because his face seems suspicious to you, and policy needs to be vigilant. Additional beauty of this joke is that she makes a joke a reality 9.

These are the things. Stay tuned, as they say!.

PS I hope everyone understands that this blog is my personal opinion joking and did not consider it the official organ of the Microsoft Press.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Preview of Android 5.0 for the second quarter

according to rumors. Which is in the development of the Android OS 5. 0, which bears the code name Jelly Bean, can be represented in the second quarter of 2012, according to DigiTimes.

Sources say the publication that Google expects to announce a new operating system at about the same time, which will be released Windows 8 or even earlier.

It is expected that the new Android will further optimize the touch screen for mobile devices. In addition, five Android. 0 will be implemented dual- boot to allow switching between two operating systems without restarting your computer. This should encourage manufacturers to install on the device produced just two platforms - for example, Windows 8 and Android.

In addition, market participants expect that with Android 5. 0, Google will attempt to gain a foothold in the segment of notebooks and netbooks. Android operating system was installed on 39.1% of all sold in the fourth quarter of 2011 Tablet PC.

Again, on the setting.

On the other details are still keep silence, and then, as you know, ideas, and so fly in the air =).
However, I can only say that such a model the planet - is extremely difficult. I'm still not sure that there are possible human- beings, but the method of fantasy - the fact and fantasy. All I wanted to make science and science fiction, I'm already in this world is made.
Later, lay out the very chapter when the Sand.

Regarding the artistic.
Finally, hatch a plot first work, ' embedded ' in a world. I see it more clearly than ever before.

Monday, May 21, 2012

C ' Chitaykoy ' always a holiday!

My readers have always enjoyed the next number. ' Chitayki '. Here and now - there was number 9 in the library, and - not to tear. I have to say overall impression: the number turned out to really fall! . As well, if the child is the beginning of school life ) or the next school year) will be taken as a holiday.

Again, in the journal Sea remarkable poems, stories, Galina Ulanova,. Marina Druzhinina. And yet - puzzles, riddles, quizzes. For example, from the section ...

a. The guys that carried the Red Riding Hood to her grandmother?.

2. Who translated into Russian ballad Milne, 'Oh royal sandwich '?.

3. What do these proverbs: Oil oily; Like clockwork, Porridge oil will not spoil, do not put out the fire with oil, Vari does not boil, and all the oil on top.

Let us all together as a family will try to answer these questions?.

By the way, for parents in the magazine there is a. ' Tips '. about what and how to read to your children from one year to ten.

Waiting in the library for the magazine and the ' Tips '!.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Full fly!

Do not just drink, drink -wheel braking, but also nakurivayutsya.
It's time urgent buy dream- liners that had been full compliance with the crew and aircraft.

Medical control Magadan Airport suspended the commander of the crew and airline stewardess ' Yakutia ' on flight from Magadan to Moscow in connection with the fact that they had recently smoked marijuana, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday, the head of the North- East Interregional Territorial Administration, Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Bugakov. With the passage of medical monitoring the health of the commander of the crew and flight attendants airline flight № 758 ... Physicians recorded their rapid pulse, high blood pressure and a weak reaction ', - said the official. According to him, the crew at full strength was removed from the flight. The flight was delayed for 12 hours - until the arrival of the crew back from Yakutsk. ' The results of analyzes showed that the captain and the stewardess had used marijuana before the flight ... ... But it is not ready yet detailed analysis of the blood, which may show drug intoxication, and it ' - he added. source.

UPD:. Re- examination showed that the pilots did not use marijuana. But not all are sure.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blog interview with Michael: Children's Romanticism in America...

All the inhabitants of Murmansk will remember one of the few in the city of graffiti, which is not spoils the appearance of buildings, and decorated their. I'm talking about graffiti shop Dr. Martens, was once located on the main avenue (not far from the beginning of the street Polar Dawns ).

And actually, this time my companion was a virtual - Michael (aka. Mikky. on. forum mbnews. ru. ), Who was one of the owners of the store Dr. Martens in Murmansk. Michael in the past murmanchanin, now lives in New York (USA). He is 35 years old.

And so begin.

What encouraged to move to another country? .

My mother and all the relatives already living in the U.S.. - N. Y. We went to the Jewish line. Mom wanted to his family, and I'm sick romanticism emigration. Even though I was fine (he worked in a bank ), his father a good position, but I was annoyed at that moment taking place in Russia. I'm not in poverty, but annoying. I do not know where I live, what country, and the like romanticism like children. that's coming to America and everything will be decided, I'll do whatever I want, and the like. Alas....

How long to get used to new surroundings, orders, customs, attitudes in society?.

Not long accustomed, like many New Yorkers. :).
This is when a person gets in other states... there - breaking....
Accustomed to nothing - Boiler.
Customs, as the educated man, I accept, but no one requires them to comply with. And no one looks askance prohibits or, if you are in compliance with its. I have a brother 3 years he lived in Cleveland (Ohao) - a beautiful city, but fled back to N. Y. This is a specific city, this is no longer. Here you are asking me about America, and in fact N. Y. America is not likely (. Note the author's blog is probably the same can be said about Moscow. ). Because it real amerikosy come here on a tour like in another world.

Your opinion on the part of Russia today ( political power, business, society)?.

My view is not unequivocal, but I think if the place is what is happening in Russia, despite all the difficulties, I would not have gone. But it could be a mistaken assumption. I look and State. channels and RTVI and Echo of Moscow.... Problems... they are all problems, but I will say one can not stand sausage emigration, when all that is happening in Russia is mixed with shit! .

What people think ( know) about us Russians, Americans?.

They know only those who want to learn something. As a general rule do not know no dick. But both the Russians and the U.S., only in movies (and. what we are told the media - the blog author's note. ).
They are important - personaliti. Here you are Russian, behave adekvanto and we respect you and the country as a whole means. :).
This is not Europe, where you always stay a stranger. At least, I personally, in the U.S. have never heard of them: ... But again, the difference in the states, I've never been to the west.

What is your most annoying and like the Americans?.

Irritating, strangely full obedience to the laws. Sometimes retarded, unintelligible.
And like. I still can not understand how American politics and the people who live here are connected (. Note the author's blog: I think Michael has in mind that an aggressive military policy, which led the United States and. kindness themselves U.S. citizens. )? . You can explain everything and you understand and accept, if only peace will participate, but other people's problems do not need anyone. The truth is always worth remembering that if you lied and you caught - all of Death. Death - your personality. No one will have to do with you. Never!.

A friend of mine said that in the States you get a normal person, but if you have a car ( I may exaggerate a little, but the exact same point ). Is this true?.

On machines. Your friend the right, but only if you live in one-storey America. Neither I nor many of my friends in the N Machine. Y. not needed. There is no need. It is so convenient and komfortabilny Ground Transportation. Again, this is the view resident metropolis N. Y. In many places, if not the machine, then do not buy bread. :).

I understand that the right to vote in elections you have not yet, but still, you're for McCain or Obama? .

there are no. But the voice would have given for Obama (unlike the Russian Conservatory Diaspora ).

And finally a couple of questions about brands (blog is partially dedicated to marketing, advertising, brands ).

Apple or Microsoft (PC)?.

Microsoft clearly!.

Coca or Pepsi?.

I do not know to which generation I'm closer, but probably Pepsi. T. to. It pleases me more. :).

you can. ask your questions to Michael. in the comments on this post, as well as. send a link to this blog interview. your friends by clicking here.

Related posts:.
blog interview with Maxim Basement ' Marketing to Murmansk and St. Petersburg '.

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