Thursday, March 29, 2012

Advice on business organization

My name is Daniyar. I am 27 years old. A lot of times trying to start a business, but lacked the funds. Now there are about 500-600 bucks.
I know how to paint (professional artist), a little design ( architectural designs ). He worked as a designer in the printing industry, but it's not for me.
I thought I'd open a design office, but the license requires a lot of money. Now interrupt the orders, which are less and less.
There is interest in online earning.

Best for you at the first stage of the work load itself. Oddly enough, but it is for your topics we've been communicating with Sergei Bakhareva, the owner of the blog odnushechka. blogspot. com. He organized this blog a while ago and I regularly consult him on various issues. Orders with a blog is not much, but still Sergei sufficiently loaded. So what were you I would hurry to the organization of a beautiful office, organizing a virtual. Next question will be how to raise attendance at a target resource. But he was a purely technical.
In the second stage, once the flow of orders will be permanent, I would have moved on to work on the model of a legal entity. For you, it will be enough IP organization. The cost of the organization - about three thousand. rub. Another 12 thousand. rub. eat the cost of accounting for three quarterly reports and annual.
If we can reach a volume of orders, when you start the dynamite customers, then think about bringing a designer second. But not before. Specificity of the business is that you will not soon need an assistant. And the pathos of this will result only in unnecessary costs, not orders.

My name is Andrew. I am 24 years old, have a small passive posrednechesky Business. Capital - 3 -4K.
I know how to find creative solutions, loopholes, to invent unusual advertising moves.
I want to try to open an online store, working directly with the Chinese. Fears: After purchasing the party it ' burned ' taxes - about 400 euros to nowhere, check the different, the customs clearance of goods. Similar products in our country do not sell, but I fear that the price after all the procedures of registration will be not acceptable.
I wonder your opinion on all this.

In such a case without the risk of nowhere. Not long ago, my friend dragged on hard media video player. Cost of funny, but it is buggy and not a child. Although I would have bought myself a. Everyone navigation easier to use than DVD - player with the ability to connect flash drives.
I think it makes sense to order the first batch on the individual, t. e. themselves. After the first batch of Privoz organize its sale through a newspaper personal ads. This will give you an opportunity to assess the market potential. In the ads, just write themselves, that things are not to use the former. If sales go, it will be possible to think about the more serious business organization.
For starters, you can rent a store with high traffic. All you need to start - it's stand, cash register, the seller, if you can not sit very. Advertising will be the stand and you, enjoying the eyes of the people by his own gadgets. I think that the first sale will go directly. And I would personally just guided by the search for the seller to allocate more time to work on the sales organization.
Start-up costs in this way will turn into an organization based on vmenenki store, cash register, purchase the first batch of goods, lease of the angle, the organization stands. In the 2-3 thousand. bucks can get away. With a 100-150% mark-up you return the investment in an organization point for 3-6 months. In the case of flight - you will reimburse costs of the sale of goods, the rest will have to write off bad debt losses. But I think that flying is not so likely if take good passable place. Advertising and other pretentious gestures you do not need.

I'm Tom, I'm 18 years old, I have been programming php, ssharp, with a little Pearl, I want to open their webstudio or programerskuyu office, has invested in 1k and people wishing to work.

I would say that you still too early to do something legally significant, you might as well, and so without the organization to work. Specificity Web Studio is that it can not deal with combining everything in one himself as the first example of a design bureau. You need a sales manager, programmer, project manager, system administrator. You can certainly try to combine it all in one, but without experience it is very difficult. Yes, and severely limits the volume of work. To begin, I would advise to develop a clear cycle of production sites or software and to work it out for yourself. Think for a good design, strong SOM and make it as you can, but trying to stay within the client contract, r. e. month and a half to perfect and design, and functionality. Even better, if you try to do just two or three of these site. This is much closer to the real situation in the web-studio.
The next step is to attend to the formation of sales. Orders are taken not from the sky, and in two ways: the customer really need a website and the customer site is not needed, but it can be to convince the. For the first must learn the basics of passive advertising, t. e. substituted learn through search engines and directories. For the second to learn the basics of active advertising. And it is better to find someone who will it for you. T. e. just stop posting on the ' Making inexpensive websites ' you is not suitable. You can do a little promotion, which immediately shows whether you are ready for sales. Type a thousand ( well, at least a hundred ) of beautiful booklets, which will be on the A3, fold in half, tells you what a cool studio and how much can. To make this a beautiful color price for services, an adequate supply of business cards. Then dress suit and a quick march to office buildings. There is nothing more complicated and interesting than the direct sales. You can simply say that you are a new company is promising to create a website and promote them, are willing to cooperate, if you are ready to provide 10 minutes of free time. Text of speech can be written in advance and learn. Work hard, but the first orders are guaranteed by. Yes, and sales experience have worked enough. At the same time and you will understand if you need to do to do it.
When you are understanding what customers need, you can start advertising in the media and references. or faksospamu. Or cold calls. Many people make the mistake and try to avoid the client, hanging ads on bus stops or giving it on TV. Web sites and software - is not the case. This is the development of trust and personal contact is crucial. The quicker he will learn to build, the better.
Do not rush to create office. If you have a few people, it is better to remove a small apartment and furnish it. It will be cheaper from all points of view and allows to work around the clock though, that at first it is very important.

Hi, my name is Nodar, yesterday celebrated 19 years. For several years, earning online, have their own studio ( I hasten to say that working for yourself is - do their own websites, developing in the seo- studio optimizer ). But I feel that for a long time online can not stand (and so, from early childhood on the Internet, and the first penny earned in WM 11-12 years ), so looking for options for offline businesses. Interested in the restaurant business ( more cafe than a restaurant ), club business and the issue of the journal. The last thing real, but I do not know how many promising. Capital has accumulated equal to ~ $ 10k. Suffice it to councils, the business plan does not need. Thank you!.

Magazine - it's not a business. It is the pathos of. There are very few companies that successfully make their gloss and all of them at the hearing. Where are the newspaper ads are more profitable. So I would have left the idea with the magazine until better times or until you find a rich sponsor, you want to show off in the bath because he has his own publishing house.
The restaurant and club business also apply to low-profit and high-risk. And then to better organize fast food canteen than pathetic club is not for everyone. The problem with all such institutions, the business plans for them are built on the basis of constant load, but actually the download does not exceed 10 % of the time. And finally check the high, low profitability and a frequent change of owners.
In any case, to take on such a business, I would recommend only to those who do not mind parting with the money in case of failure. And 10k - not enough for anything. Only the equipment for a restaurant - more than 100k.

Alex. 35 years. 15 of them worked at the local TV and in advertising agencies - video editor / designer. six months ago with a friend decided to open his small an ad. Agency - to make video. with him were to be pursuant to orders from me. Orders for these six months, found just enough to pay taxes. All firms for which it was hoped - advertising byuzhdety not simply cut and zeroed nafig.
I am the bread chutchut by orders for freelance (it is not orders from customers and the other an ad. agency where I used to work ) but it's really a penny even for our small town.
experience in the business is small - about 5 years ago with another friend opened a computer club. but after 2 years began linye friction - but the big money from the club was not in the end I came out from the company.
now at a crossroads. ) ) Would be a good time - no problems would be settled back in the office kakuyunt - but now it is difficult. advertising business in the ass. and video advertising in most of its depth) ).
capital is not - but to find ( take a six-month / year ) 1-2 thousand. USD. really.

Do you have untested niche - video studio on wheels. As a booster with the experience, I know that many customers would be happy to get the movie, but you can not or simply do not know who ordered. Everywhere, or expensive, or no. But asked on a regular basis. So you can quite work out a reasonable price, and go round all the advertising agency for cooperation. Everywhere leave your work, your price. Let this be a beautifully decorated, and your visit will be memorable. For the demand for money is not taken.
The second niche - education and pre-schools. It is difficult to get through to weddings, but here in the schools and kindergartens - to agree to shoot graduations, holidays, etc. for a reasonable fee - why not? . After that, you will have a substantive plan to work in this niche and then it waits. I think that the pictures and the folder is already yesterday. On the other hand to take the team a good photographer, and may be offered to the already complex.
In addition, you can open a small dot in the place passable. Suitable for even the corner store near the registry office. It is important for people to see that you're here, that you can order a survey and installation. Increase the range of services from simple video editing, preparation and execution of household surveys, with the driving of video tapes to DVD.
As an advertisement, I would take his bath in the ( fishing in the restaurant) promoted local photographers. Drink vodka and talk about life, gain support and possible collaboration. In the world of filming everything is decided by the recommendation and imposed on them to friends, no one called even banned advertising course. Before the pile can give ads in the local media, to prepare a promo and give it to people at the output of the registrar. And so - contacts and advice. Here are the main way.

I am 31, I have two university degrees, work experience IT manager at an average business about 5 years in IT in general - 9 years. Managerstvo sick and tired any longer. To communicate with people there is no desire, the more they run. But to feed my family of three ' dependents ' need, and already accustomed to a good income. I looked in the direction of an online business. But the major projects in his ugly face one does not overpower. what do you think should get hooked on glanders and take the number or there is a niche where I have experience with svim can go and work successfully Aki freelancer?.

And do not sit on major projects. All major begins with a small. I also sat as an engineer, and then I was offered the suppliers of this company to help with their client - write a database for them. I do graphic arts industry podnachila head of sales in the web-studio, where I worked. You will see the opportunity to dive - dive. If possible, on the job. This will allow the case to stand up and do not starve to death. At least, my example shows that we can pass on to the business managerstva without shocks. Any other methods are fraught with severe loss of influence and minority partnership. Because someone has to keep you and your business as it will stand on its feet.

Phew. The second part later. We must work and. Continued -. here.

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