Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The share of the mediator

Today, the confrontations were double pussy from customers. At the travel agency - client terribly unhappy with the terms. Do not even stay - we cant just here - but what sucks is fed. Yes, and treatment is also not a fountain. In advertising, we were stupid to 9 units. Client took kasetons, and the contractor has refused to alter and return the advance payment. Well, I'm in between. In the first situation, twisted, but the sediment remained with all stakeholders. In the second I have yet to get out. sorry for the money. Not for anything in general suffered.

Mediation is generally a good business. Heard somewhere that 80% of global turnover in the services sector, that is the mediation. I have heard many times that the mediators - a leech on the body of the producer, such as money for nothing. No, gentlemen,. It's not so easy.

The main difference of mediation and why there are so many random people - a low-cost start-up. Now a startup cost of about 30 thousand. in. e. Five years ago it was possible to start with 10 thousand. I started working with 7 th. A year ago at the start-up website design studio in Nizhny Novgorod took 20 thousand. during the first three months and then another 5-7.

For comparison, the cheapest printing press is a decent quality of 20 thousand. in. e. About the production line (the plant ) or car ( taxi or rental ), I am silent. Even building a network of coffee machines in a hundred pieces - a 4 million. euro. Not so easy to find the funds for someone who is just beginning.

Yes, I'm talking about a serious company with a bank account, etc., etc.. If you can pochikat all unnecessary expenses, for example, to abandon the office and reduce the cost of communication, then you can start with less money. At the opening of the travel agency and primary quota number of rooms out of 200 thousand. rub. But if we made it a separate office (not combined with an advertising agency ), gave pompous advertisements and websites do not themselves, then the level of investment would have come very close to 30 thousand voiced. bucks.

Now, how mediators are needed. Let's take on advertising, I like things familiar and comprehensible. There are a client, is the Executive. Theoretically, if a customer accesses the executor, it will save: time and money. And he gets the services of a first-hand. Why then the mediator?.

Now consider the situation from the perspective of the customer. Man wants 200 cards. For it is the most important thing in the world. He does not care how much it costs (if only within reason). He wants and that's it. It's part of his business, his image. They have to be tomorrow in his business card.

Let's see how this thing looks Executive. Many, many customers, each with its plummeting order. Stand up, bitch, in turn, every client is important to us, each otlyubim the full program, but in turn.

What does a mediator? . A mediator - a wholesaler and attitude is absolutely nothing.

What is important for the customer? . What is important for the artist? . What is most important for a mediator? .

explain. For the artist the most important thing - is not to idle equipment. So he will do anything to get it. If the equipment is loaded, the client does not need the performer. What does the client, meeting with such an attitude. That's right, he goes. What does the mediator, when he was denied service, it changes the artist. He throws the entire flow. This can have serious consequences for the performer. Therefore, the order is.

Not once or twice I pushes back their orders through the artist managers, making it impossible for its customers. Record - a circulation of seven thousand. colored papers for the election of 6:00. For me and for my personal responsibility printing out the night shift and did the impossible. I held the man at every point, that once the design is signed, he went to the designer to printer, and from there to the foil, there is a commercial printer, which will make the printing plates and.

The work of a mediator - is primarily the ability to transfer from human to professional and back. Matter how cleverly and if he does, depends on how much will be pleased with all aspects of the process.

Let's imagine that suddenly all disappeared mediators. What will happen. Frankly, the likelihood of universal chaos is very high. That's when the USSR collapsed, had been violated one of the largest mediation systems - thousands of companies united by the State to an established sales and delivery. Suddenly, the state said - all will no longer be. And there was. Thousands of enterprises have ceased to understand what and for whom they do. Tens of thousands of shops have ceased to understand where and why to buy goods item A better product B, and we must take it.

Then the market will create hundreds or even thousands of firms that began to look for plants and reduce them to the shops. After all, the possibility of such a magazinschikov not - they have to sell, not to engage in any garbage. There were distributors, logistics, institute representatives. Now is not that hard to find a product. Indeed, often he will come to you.

These are the laws of the market. No buyer is looking for a commodity and commodity buyer. Wanted - get. And the foundation of a market mentality, it can be said of his child - an institute of mediation.

I hear more and more of the business: ... You are an expert, you and think. I'm ready for that you personally pay. How do you say. Within a reasonable. ' So that the second feature of the intermediary -. customer is getting rid of non-core activities. Keep the staff person for this - more than just order all the intermediary.

And about the extra price, I can say that the margin does not correspond to rare market situation. T. e. price that the customer can not pay. Otherwise, the mediator will not be able to sell and starve. So the margins are almost always within a reasonable. Taking into account the dealers' discounts - goes pretty well, so everyone can make.

So, we summarize. Through the intermediary artist reduces the time required to work with each customer. For this he pays the commission, but wins in: Number of employees. All those 500 orders he receives is not from 500 customers, and only 10 wholesalers - and it is enough to a manager.

Through the intermediary customer gets better service. And most importantly, he understands. For the primary task of a mediator - is to understand the client's. And only then - to fulfill.

The main disadvantage of mediation in the growth of the number of steps for the execution of the order. T. e. order through an intermediary in the proper planning and work flow executor is delayed. But in extreme conditions, the order is made, on average faster than through an intermediary.

The second disadvantage is the possibility of increasing the error. The effect is spoiled by phone. If the mediator understands the customer is wrong, if he selects the wrong contractor, there will be a scandal, and Kaka.

The third negative - price. It is extremely rare in the mediator does not have a chance to increase the price. Discount provided by the Executive can not adequately ensure the viability of a mediator. Therefore, the mediator will always strive to increase their percentage discount from the Executive, which will affect the quality of execution. And parallel to the mediator will make a reasonable (or will ) mark-up to increase the profits accruing to earn more with fewer orders.

But all these disadvantages, as we see, not much actually grieve customer service. He voted for the existence of the ruble mediator. And in my opinion, quite rightly makes the.

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