Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why do I keep this blog

little book. I was overwhelmed is the outrage over the reading that needed somewhere to vent his. The yield was found in this blog. The name for the blog in the beginning was the ' Notes kinofoba ' from the name of one of my websites. kinoretsenziyami.
After the first post in the blog I have decided for myself that this blog will become a public reflection of my professional work and archive of thoughts and ideas to which I can apply to the extent necessary ( and appeal ).
Something like it happened. Even now when I dramatically changed the scope of professional activity, the subject was decided to leave the old. Just about his new-old profession I still have nothing to write, and do not consider it necessary, and the topic of marketing and management continues to hold me. Yes, and the recognition of other people my ideas is not so bad as I sometimes think.
For that couple of years, I write in this blog, I tried to write, and Learn and non-public blog offline. Learn ultimately did not catch on, but the offline blog survived and actually turned into a personal diary where I write about my life, read every book, watched movies, emotions and thoughts.

Why do you run your blog?.

PS. I decided to participate in. Little competition Jangl'a. My first experience of participating in contests and a view of the blogosphere is not the last.

Friday, April 27, 2012

American scientists first created a flexible robot

Scientists at Harvard University have created a flexible robot without any hard parts that can move like a caterpillar or a starfish, and crawl under obstacles.
This was reported in an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In Robert Shepherd from Harvard and his colleagues describe a unique set up of ' soft ' robot, which has no hard skeleton.
' Although robotics has made great progress over the past 50 years, robots with rigid structure are still many shortcomings. Some of them are associated with instability when driving on uneven surfaces, some because of the limitations associated with the drive mechanism and the ' joints '' - write the authors.
In addition, metal robots are often distinguished by a large weight and high price, they note.
The creators decided to use the new robot as an example not of the higher animals, and more primitive organisms, which have no internal skeleton - worms, starfish, squid.
The resulting structure, in their opinion, should be simple and inexpensive compared to the ' hard ' robots.
Created by the scientists first example of ' soft ' robot is a ' four- ' flat design, stamped from an elastomeric plastic.
Within these four compartments formed ' bulkhead ', which increases the pressure forcing limbs bent.
Handing in a specific order the compressed air in the ' body ' and each of the four ' legs ' robot, the authors have ensured that the robot moved, and even crawled under the glass through the narrow gap.
Scientists emphasize that they have created the technology allows for very complex movements are very simple means - just a combination of valves, which distinguishes ' ​​soft ' robots from ' hard '.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Google invests in the 'sun' in another $ 168 million

As reported, the investment company focused BrightSource Energy, which is engaged in design and construction of power plants in California's Mojave Desert. The company NRG Energy Inc. , Has invested in the station $ 300 million, is the largest investor in the project. Ivanpah will be the first 'green ' commercial power plant, which will allow a large scale to supply clean and affordable energy to consumers.

Ivanpah project is a solar thermal power plants three independent, consisting of 170,000 mirrors, called heliostats. The mirrors direct sunlight on boilers located at the top of the 137 meter tower, heating it to 538 degrees. The steam rotates a turbine, generating electricity.

According to the official website of Ivanpah, stated power - 392 megawatts, making the project the world's largest solar power plant and will double the commercial production of energy from the sun by the U.S.. Ivanpah will create 1,000 jobs during construction and 86 seats to complete the project in 2013. For 30 years, until the station will operate, the earnings of workers will be $ 650 million.

... - Investments can ensure that one of the world's largest solar energy project will be completed ... He also took the initiative to continue to invest in alternative energy: ... This is the biggest investment to date, now we have invested more than $ 250 million in the development of clean energy. We welcome a project Ivanpah, because our investment will help develop solar energy technology, it will provide the clean energy and increase the potential for significant cost savings on future projects ...

The use of alternative energy in the spotlight after the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed the need for its development. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a week after the incident, ... U.S. President Barack Obama during the election campaign of 2008 promised to focus its efforts on the development of clean energy technologies, it recently in his speech reiterated that intention. The U.S. also suffered from the use of nuclear energy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rihanna - We Ride

If you have a slow internet just click on the playback will wait until the first frame and press pause for 1-2 minutes to the film loaded in the cache, and faster than the playback and press play again. or for faster navigation through the Internet and video in the cache zagruski install the new version. Mozilla Firefox. Please advise if you notice that the film is removed, the link is not working, blocked. just leave a comment under the material. Thank you! .

Monday, April 23, 2012

Google declined to ' plus '

In the Google search was turned off support for the operator '', which provided the ability to search for the exact wording of the words. Instead, users are encouraged to enter the right words in quotation marks.
The default search engine. Google. ignores certain words (like 'how ' and ' where' ) and looking at various options for the words from the query, including their synonyms. Thus, the search for the word ' Google ' will link to resources and in which English is used spelling, 'google'.

To search for the exact wording used by the operator ' ', which was placed before the desired word, and double quotes, which consisted of the word. Now the same query ' Google ' gives the same results as the ' Google '. The operator '-', which excludes from the Google page that contain a particular word has not changed.

The fact is there a way to use '' in the future, not reported. On the Google Help Forum is off to a question about a company representative responded to the statement. He said the change reflects the desire to simplify the user experience of search service. However, representatives of the unofficial blog 'Google Operating System' believe that the operator can be used to search for content in the social network. Google.

October 18 in the official Google blog announced yet another change in the search engine. In Soon, the work of search engine users will be implemented over an encrypted channel. Function of June 2010 is available on a separate page, but will now be enabled by default for those who come in to your account to Google.

Lenta. ru.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mankind appeared responsible for contact with extraterrestrials

Actually in Moscow do not cost, and until the appointment of Madame Othman responsible for the aliens: see here do not look, it still does not look - smog, fog, night sky every year on the occasion of the celebration unknown, and the stars themselves - small and ... Not that, say, in the Caucasus in the mountains - with a big fist, right above your head, pull out and you touch. Sit with bated breath, admire - this beauty is not boring and not boring. This unity with the cosmos. yet because of one of the peaks do not swim out an oblong luminous object. Slowly, with a barely audible hiss smanevriruet between the mountains and slowly pulls away in his famous one direction, leaving behind a sort of release or the exhaust, which is a thin gray film will tighten the black sky. It happened back in 1975. Only a year or two in my hands got printed on a typewriter as a blueprint Siegel Report on UFOs. Struck by the description of experiences people have faced with the ... The same thing happened to us: a terrible fear at the glowing, out of nowhere who undertook the ... And there was a strange ... Parents to drive us home early in the morning it was not possible. We are continually frustrated by night fishing, sometimes forgetting the rod. And why are we, if the main thing was - at night, the sky studded with big stars, in which, sitting in a circle back to the campfire, we stared until dawn? . But the connection to the theme to unite us actively supported, corresponding, encouraged one another that read, watch, share their own observations. It was enough that the general interest to distant civilizations are not extinct yet another summer vacation. Again, nocturnal gatherings, stories where fiction so intertwined with the reality of what has been not to know where the truth begins and where it ends. Several times we were able to detect in the night sky is something, but not so intelligible ... We climbed the whole neighborhood looking for evidence of the arrival of another civilization, greatly strengthened the health of crazy forced marches, well studied flora to the fauna of the Georgian- Armenian border areas, have found all sorts of different roads, trails, open springs with stunningly delicious drinking water ledenyuschey. In short, everything, but no evidence, alas, found no. Only a strange stone - dark blue, round, weighing two pounds, which, rolling, published bottle ringing. It is a long time, not one year, I was lying in the yard. Anyone who showed any of his property, just shrugged their shoulders in disbelief. Then the stone had disappeared. By that time, and intensity of the search for ... Although, when chosen for the same fishing with a night (and even in present days, when the children themselves, older age than we do, when carried away by a UFO ), no, no, but with a kind of suspense began glancing in the direction of the .
Last, it seems, in the summer 's son suddenly drawn to the romance - want to barbecue (although he does not like meat and eat it occasionally ), and for some reason during the night in nature. Garik - artist and part-time farmer and a longtime companion to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, indignation (perhaps falsely ), why at night and why the nature. But for a long time to persuade him, by nature, ... And it is their children, of course, picked up. While Garik engaged in ... In general - great for slackers otmaza: do nothing, but like to be busy - to observe, to watch the historic moment of the arrival of UFOs. ... But a minute later, he has stood by and watched the side of the mountain itself. ... ... Only then will the weather was better - clearer skies, visibility excellent, ... ... - Mimicked Garik. - A thirty-five years, your eyes are not addicted? . Barbecues were successful. They probably always will now work out when to pull a night picnic. It will be possible only to deal with them without being distracted by the starry sky. Now we all have Dr. Mazlan Othman. She will not miss ET. You can sleep in peace and.

Permanent address.
News from Skypecine. com.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The rudimentary state of SEO in the regions

open vordstat. Looking for the perfect match, although the results will be inaccurate by only a little better if discard the word ' free ' and ' self '.

The exact phrase ' creation of sites Kaliningrad ' - showing 82 per month ( 377 - inaccurate ).
The exact phrase ...
The exact phrase ' Optimization Kaliningrad ' - a show in a month (2).

Set the region of Kaliningrad.
The exact phrase ' creation of sites ' - 165 hits per month ( 1030).
The exact phrase ' website promotion ' - showing 64 per month ( 224).

Look advordsa statistics - there spinning two campaigns for the creation and promotion of sites. Total part 502 phrases - really, all that is interesting for the creation and promotion of sites in runet in general. We have to find a total of 17 clicks in the last 30 days. But! . I was much more profitable to pump in your own personal image and brand your company, what do the rat race for first place in the search. In this case, to compete for the top do not have to. Bounce a phrase associated with my name or the name of the company - the minimum.

And for comparison:.
The exact phrase ' Dmitry Shakhov ' - 98 hits per month.
The exact phrase ' bablorub ' - 135 hits per month.
The exact phrase ' remark Kaliningrad ' - 6 hits per month.

What is the moral of the fable? . If the best book on the name, the name piarte and hammer on the competition, it is not in your name. Incidentally, with respect to customers is also promoted by working. Usually, after pumping on the name of a trust company, attendance increased by 20-30%, unless, of course, the company is not entirely unknown. But the latter - is not your problem, and lack of client advertising strategy.
Statistically better to have first place in the request, which is 2-10 times lower in frequency than the base than 5-10 seats in the baseline.

In the regions of potential customers are not looking through the list of services, and on your face. Are not looking for key phrases, and on the recommendations of those who on hearing. Of course, as always, but especially in regions of pronounced. Specificity of -. We use this to their advantage!.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The observer -4 (articles and events blogosphere )

Hello dear readers! . observer. - about. events and articles of the blogosphere.


Alexei Terekhov, temporarily overcome life's difficulties have arisen, has written an excellent post about motivational. Fate and Eggs.


You are a robot?

4819... You - a robot! ...

Previously, the search engine when performing a large number of requests in a short amount of time requested to introduce a set of numbers. However, marketers have noted that the system was not working properly - you can leave blank, just click on the link ...

But if you had simply asked the search engine optimizers very active, they are not robots, but now with confidence says: ... Yandex, and leaves the possibility of a mistake in your assumption, therefore, suggests: ...

When it was replaced by a question about Yandex robot for approval, it is not known. The forum SearchEngines, where SEOs and raised once again the theme captures, note that it noticed the disappearance of about a week ago. Some of the statement, ... If you had to ignore the captcha optimizers, refreshing the page or clicking on the link ... ... I swore that I was not a program, but a real person, and that half of the city by my ISP that IP and more the problem is not repeated, ...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We know

but have never commented on. Old-timers I already know. As a reference point on the profile of your blog or website - flipped, will observe.

As you can review comments, why and when they started reading. Or just ...

Let's get acquainted!.


In mid-October with a break in exactly a week - 15 th and 22 th (Friday) Conference held companies - ' InterTrust ' and ' EOS '. These are the two leading (bearing in mind that the group leaders then 5.6 companies ), developer of the provider EDS. And - the oldest ( at the origins were in the first half of the 90 ), and that is important - a very different. Different, both in technological and in marketing for.

I managed to ( just like last year ) to visit both events. Good - they are held in very best places for me (' Izmailovo ' and ' Sokolniki ').

Last year, I turned on the visit of a generalized article (. http://www. pcweek. ru / ecm / article / detail. php? ID = 120976. ).

Now everything will turn out some portions ( hulk plans that do not have time to realize all ).

But then wrote a post (based on AES), I think, an important turning point in our SED- market. I wonder how he will react to the pros.

' The great electronic revolution has come true? ' . http://www. pcweek. ru/ecm/blog/andrey-kolesov/213. php. ).

As for the ' InterTrust ', then there are good reports (with pictures! ) From the company. By the way, there's about me;-).
http://www. intertrust. ru/main/news/news_comp/543 /.
http://www. intertrust. ru/main/events/forum_intertrust_2010/545 /.

The rest ( of me ) a little later ( still need to write ).

P. S. Preparations for the conference, I had to fight in. severe conditions, the approach distance zaprubezhya.

Friday, April 6, 2012

To engage in, or just to play the guitar?