Thursday, April 26, 2012

Google invests in the 'sun' in another $ 168 million

As reported, the investment company focused BrightSource Energy, which is engaged in design and construction of power plants in California's Mojave Desert. The company NRG Energy Inc. , Has invested in the station $ 300 million, is the largest investor in the project. Ivanpah will be the first 'green ' commercial power plant, which will allow a large scale to supply clean and affordable energy to consumers.

Ivanpah project is a solar thermal power plants three independent, consisting of 170,000 mirrors, called heliostats. The mirrors direct sunlight on boilers located at the top of the 137 meter tower, heating it to 538 degrees. The steam rotates a turbine, generating electricity.

According to the official website of Ivanpah, stated power - 392 megawatts, making the project the world's largest solar power plant and will double the commercial production of energy from the sun by the U.S.. Ivanpah will create 1,000 jobs during construction and 86 seats to complete the project in 2013. For 30 years, until the station will operate, the earnings of workers will be $ 650 million.

... - Investments can ensure that one of the world's largest solar energy project will be completed ... He also took the initiative to continue to invest in alternative energy: ... This is the biggest investment to date, now we have invested more than $ 250 million in the development of clean energy. We welcome a project Ivanpah, because our investment will help develop solar energy technology, it will provide the clean energy and increase the potential for significant cost savings on future projects ...

The use of alternative energy in the spotlight after the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed the need for its development. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a week after the incident, ... U.S. President Barack Obama during the election campaign of 2008 promised to focus its efforts on the development of clean energy technologies, it recently in his speech reiterated that intention. The U.S. also suffered from the use of nuclear energy.

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