Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mankind appeared responsible for contact with extraterrestrials

Actually in Moscow do not cost, and until the appointment of Madame Othman responsible for the aliens: see here do not look, it still does not look - smog, fog, night sky every year on the occasion of the celebration unknown, and the stars themselves - small and ... Not that, say, in the Caucasus in the mountains - with a big fist, right above your head, pull out and you touch. Sit with bated breath, admire - this beauty is not boring and not boring. This unity with the cosmos. yet because of one of the peaks do not swim out an oblong luminous object. Slowly, with a barely audible hiss smanevriruet between the mountains and slowly pulls away in his famous one direction, leaving behind a sort of release or the exhaust, which is a thin gray film will tighten the black sky. It happened back in 1975. Only a year or two in my hands got printed on a typewriter as a blueprint Siegel Report on UFOs. Struck by the description of experiences people have faced with the ... The same thing happened to us: a terrible fear at the glowing, out of nowhere who undertook the ... And there was a strange ... Parents to drive us home early in the morning it was not possible. We are continually frustrated by night fishing, sometimes forgetting the rod. And why are we, if the main thing was - at night, the sky studded with big stars, in which, sitting in a circle back to the campfire, we stared until dawn? . But the connection to the theme to unite us actively supported, corresponding, encouraged one another that read, watch, share their own observations. It was enough that the general interest to distant civilizations are not extinct yet another summer vacation. Again, nocturnal gatherings, stories where fiction so intertwined with the reality of what has been not to know where the truth begins and where it ends. Several times we were able to detect in the night sky is something, but not so intelligible ... We climbed the whole neighborhood looking for evidence of the arrival of another civilization, greatly strengthened the health of crazy forced marches, well studied flora to the fauna of the Georgian- Armenian border areas, have found all sorts of different roads, trails, open springs with stunningly delicious drinking water ledenyuschey. In short, everything, but no evidence, alas, found no. Only a strange stone - dark blue, round, weighing two pounds, which, rolling, published bottle ringing. It is a long time, not one year, I was lying in the yard. Anyone who showed any of his property, just shrugged their shoulders in disbelief. Then the stone had disappeared. By that time, and intensity of the search for ... Although, when chosen for the same fishing with a night (and even in present days, when the children themselves, older age than we do, when carried away by a UFO ), no, no, but with a kind of suspense began glancing in the direction of the .
Last, it seems, in the summer 's son suddenly drawn to the romance - want to barbecue (although he does not like meat and eat it occasionally ), and for some reason during the night in nature. Garik - artist and part-time farmer and a longtime companion to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, indignation (perhaps falsely ), why at night and why the nature. But for a long time to persuade him, by nature, ... And it is their children, of course, picked up. While Garik engaged in ... In general - great for slackers otmaza: do nothing, but like to be busy - to observe, to watch the historic moment of the arrival of UFOs. ... But a minute later, he has stood by and watched the side of the mountain itself. ... ... Only then will the weather was better - clearer skies, visibility excellent, ... ... - Mimicked Garik. - A thirty-five years, your eyes are not addicted? . Barbecues were successful. They probably always will now work out when to pull a night picnic. It will be possible only to deal with them without being distracted by the starry sky. Now we all have Dr. Mazlan Othman. She will not miss ET. You can sleep in peace and.

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