Sunday, April 1, 2012

Topics of TCI

One of the main objections in the comments: why sell for 300uev topic when she whacks a month? . So repel the 3- 10 thousand. uev sites in Sapa is not so easy. In this regard, the logic of selling the subject is quite clear.

Yet a look inside all of these topics. TCI - the essence of the parameter that shows the credibility of the project in its category. However, in practice it is often the result of adding the weight of links to the site. Therefore, all sites get promoted sooner or later, TCI, even when spinning on the basis of multitematicheskoy. But rather than a consistent theme of the donor than they are authoritative, the higher TCI acceptor. Therefore, the oldest and most reliable theme is run by the neighbors in the category of UC after getting back the project.

As for the so -called fact, in most cases it spam. There is no equal to the product known under the name of crispy. In the presence of bases and the absence of ssyklivosti can get thousands and even tens of thousands of references to your project. It is not clear yet how this relates to the Yandex joists, but, according to those who actively use - in general they all is well with tITsem. But the high price hrummera coupled with binding of many stops and starts to search for other. Or in other words - find another way prospamitsya.

Most often it is a definite hole in the form of konkrentnom engine that allows you to leave a link. At one time, was popular in the WordPress comment spam, and Web sites on the Dle. When all comments have to cover noufollou and Yandex introduced a correction factor, then came up with to connect to the database varezospamschikov and together with all the by shit, poured onto faylohrany, hidden in a point or a reference image.

So the next issue - it is the next nezaterty engine, which is more than one hundred sites, and that a search palitsya. It is kind of not that vulnerable, but the social element that allows you to create a profile, leave the communication to the public, or even write a post. That is something that is the subject of another topic TCI.

It is clear that this issue will cease to be her after the sale. It is clear that most likely it went into decline and does not give the same effect as before. It is clear that the developers of the engine, too, do not sleep and think about how close the sites spam. It is clear that Yandex knowingly eat their own bread. Due to these factors Theme lives of three to six months in the Public and then brings Yash coefficients for such reference to such a minimum that way spam is almost useless hands, and cheap Hrum - rests on the actual purchase Hrum or other equally expensive counterparts.

Recently, a new feature in runet - social network suddenly come to any commercial companies and government organizations. And finally on their sites, old and tITsistyh being introduced all sorts of registration, user blogs, comments to the news, guest books, forums. And of course, the competence of those who do, poor. Yes, it is not required - they are thinking about something else. Done that, and ordered to forget.

So one of the new rising powers, and so - is to find such resources. I 've seen, I do not remember anyone fired, the ability to leave a link to the site is not the library, not the academic institution. Supposed to communicate, but you need to create a profile. Of course, with reference to the home site. tITs2400 this potential donor. Links for obvious reasons zasrat.

So going to buy another topic - first think about whether it will have time to recover in six months. Or better to sit out a couple of weeks in Google, Yandex, picked and not very popular engines for all sorts of social units, then to exclusively to post them all. Maybe it will be cheaper and more reliable?.

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