Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why do I keep this blog

little book. I was overwhelmed is the outrage over the reading that needed somewhere to vent his. The yield was found in this blog. The name for the blog in the beginning was the ' Notes kinofoba ' from the name of one of my websites. kinoretsenziyami.
After the first post in the blog I have decided for myself that this blog will become a public reflection of my professional work and archive of thoughts and ideas to which I can apply to the extent necessary ( and appeal ).
Something like it happened. Even now when I dramatically changed the scope of professional activity, the subject was decided to leave the old. Just about his new-old profession I still have nothing to write, and do not consider it necessary, and the topic of marketing and management continues to hold me. Yes, and the recognition of other people my ideas is not so bad as I sometimes think.
For that couple of years, I write in this blog, I tried to write, and Learn and non-public blog offline. Learn ultimately did not catch on, but the offline blog survived and actually turned into a personal diary where I write about my life, read every book, watched movies, emotions and thoughts.

Why do you run your blog?.

PS. I decided to participate in. Little competition Jangl'a. My first experience of participating in contests and a view of the blogosphere is not the last.

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