Thursday, April 5, 2012

VKontakte got to the black list

U.S. made ​​... The owners of social networks claim that operate solely within the legal framework. The prosecution will push the Russian legislation to toughen measures against pirated content, experts say.

American Association for the recording industry companies (RIAA) brought it popular in Russia and the CIS social network ... The list, compiled at the request of U.S. agencies dealing with foreign trade, includes sites whose operators ... Together with the Russian network in the list is a Chinese search engine Baidu, which provides access to pirated files and which experts believe RIAA chief distributor in the world of illegal content. Also among the firms, ...

Torrent posted on penalties.
Illegal torrent tracker interfilm. ru, closed a year ago and a half years of work violated copyright on more than $ 38.7 billion rubles, UPC found at the Interior. The owners fled the hosting, but suffer.

In the authors' opinion, ...

TNT cleared ...
Social network ... The channel TNT has withdrawn from the network of about 100,000 of its clips, and other channels are confident that it is the duty.

The owners of social networks claim that operate solely within the legal framework.

... Ru » Maxim Bobin, vice- president of the holding Mail. Ru Group, which owns the site.

According to him, a lot of effort applied to the published user-generated content conform to all norms of the legislation. The company is actively working with owners in the event of a complaint is trying to quickly understand the situation, and then illegally posted content is removed, said Bobin. ... Ru is constantly improving mechanisms for moderating content ...

... py ... But out on the world level, as the social network Facebook, it is closed, the expert.

In Russia there is no clear legislation on this subject, admit lawyers. Social Network for several years, constantly involved in lawsuits as a defendant for the use of pirated content.

The latest decision of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North -West District of Moscow, when considering a claim to the RTR ...


Another site, got to the black list of RIAA, RapidShare in May, was also acquitted by the German appellate court ruled that RapidShare is not responsible for material uploaded by users, in particular, the judge noted that filter the downloaded files, filtering out pirated content, in this volume .

Association of American record companies (RIAA) in response to administration of the official U.S. Trade Representative submitted a list of ' malicious sites ' (rogue sites), contributing to the growth of the entropy of piracy on a global scale. Among these sites turned out to be a Russian social networking site ' Facebook '. Sooner or later it had to happen.

In addition to ' Twitter ', the rogue sites ( Incidentally, the term clearly refers to a different stamp from the U.S. foreign policy - rogue states, ' rogue states ') rattled the Chinese search engine Baidu, which accuses the RIAA is that it helps to quickly and easily find the pirate .

Interestingly, the sharing Rapidshare California Court as recently as this year has put the stigma on the forehead - ' not a thief ', they say. That is, file sharing is not responsible for the fact that he had been charged with irresponsible users.

A similar story recently published in Russia - the court invited the owners to rebound from ' Facebook ', for example, three- step. However, if in this network take seriously Western labels, it will resemble a conversation Tuzik and old heaters.

On the other hand, at the moment RIAA sites are. both. There is every reason to believe that the Anonymus again took up the old: as they call it? .


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